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Electric Forklifts

Giving businesses a choice of powerful electric forklifts that are fit for their operations

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Electric Power

Browse the Electric Forklift Truck Range

Our electric counterbalance forklifts deliver maximum efficiency with minimum energy consumption. Agile electric forklifts deliver top performance where technology coordinates all forklift truck components, achieving optimum efficiency automatically. Efficiency meets economy in an electric forklift where our range of electric forklift trucks are ideal for working in a wide range of situations.



Meet the UN NL Series 2.0T-3.5T Li-ion Battery Forklift

The NL series new lithium battery forklift, capacity from 2,000 to 3,500kg, adopts UN internal combustion forklift ‘s design with the strong chassis, frame, counterweight and mast.

With a power structure that is designed to adopt the UN electric forklift’s concept, which use full AC system, Italian imported ZAPl controller, BMS control system and high quality lithium battery.

This combination of IC forklift and electric forklift makes an ideal solution to reach customers’ satisfaction on cost saving and impact on the environment.

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Forklifts & Spare parts, its what Windsor does!

It starts with giving you quality advice on your operation, asking the right questions and appraising the right equipment.

Case Studies

Windsor put customer needs at the centre of everything and are committed to one single ambition – to present the most efficient and cost-effective solution that improves productivity and profitability with unbeatable local service to the customers we work with nationally. Through determination, teamwork and cross-departmental collaboration, we can proudly say that we work with some of the most prolific businesses in the country and some we retain from the day of opening our doors in 1976.

National Trench Safety

Still lead acid transition from IC

The Roasting Co

Electric Unicarriers join the fleet


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